A new treatment for postoperative pain management.
Paracetamol 1000 mg and ibuprofen 300 mg in 100 mL solution for infusion.
Combogesic® IV’s patented 3.3 to 1 paracetamol to ibuprofen ratio has been proven to provide significantly better pain relief than the same dose of either paracetamol IV or ibuprofen IV alone.1
Combogesic® IV was developed to provide a combination analgesic therapy with the administration of a single formulation in postoperative patients unable to receive oral analgesics.

Effective treatment for postoperative pain management.
- New clinical data demonstrates that Combogesic® IV provides significantly more analgesia than comparable doses of paracetamol IV, ibuprofen IV and placebo.1
- All study medicines were administered to patients intravenously over 15 minutes every 6 hours over a 48-hour period, for a total of 8 doses.
- Combogesic® IV provided significantly superior pain relief than comparable doses of ibuprofen or paracetamol, and placebo.1
Double the pain relief1
Fig 1: Time-adjusted SPID48 up to first dose of rescue medication
The amount of pain relief provided by Combogesic® IV was approximately DOUBLE that of paracetamol IV and ibuprofen IV alone*,1
Combogesic® provided the greatest amount of pain relief, far exceeding the amount required for a clinically significant difference, with all pairwise comparisons being highly significant.*
*Based on time-adjusted SPID48, calculated from VAS pain intensity scores recorded up until the time of consumption of the first dose of rescue.

Greater than all three comparators1
Combogesic® IV provided greater pain relief over the first 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours treatment period than all three comparators**,1
Combogesic® IV is an effective, opioid-free, pain management tool, with significantly greater pain relief than either of its mono components over the first 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours.**
**As measured by Total Pain Relief (TOTPAR) calculated from the area under the curve of pain relief scores over a specified time interval calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule, up until the first pre-rescue pain relief. There is no time adjustment for TOTPAR.

Providing sustained pain relief over the first dose
Combogesic® IV provided significantly greaterpain relief than all three treatment groups at the majority of scheduled time points*,1
Providing sustained pain relief over the first dose
*According to VAS pain intensity, Pain Intensity Differences and Pain Relief scores.

Providing sustained pain relief over 48 hours
Combogesic® IV provided significantly greaterpain relief than all three treatment groups at the majority of scheduled time points*,1
Providing sustained pain relief over 48 hours

No compromise in safety.
- The postoperative safety profile of Combogesic® IV is equivalent with that of paracetamol IV or ibuprofen IV and no novel adverse events were reported.1
- Combogesic® IV can be given after surgery and continued in the postoperative period as a component of multimodal pain management.1
From hospital to home – easy IV to tablet switch.
The Combogesic® IV treatment group was found to have:
- Significantly reduced odds of requiring opioid analgesia for breakthrough pain than all three comparators.1
- A longer time to the first dose of breakthrough analgesia than all three comparators.1
- Significantly lower consumption of oxycodone breakthrough analgesia than all three comparators.1
Why is this important?
- Immediate-release formulations of prescription opioids have been described as a gateway to addiction.2
- The potential harm from extended opioid treatments and escalating usage of opioid based treatments has been a strong focus of pain medicine research and forums.
- Effective pain solutions are needed that allow for an easy opioid-free IV to tablet switch for pain management in the clinic and at home.

*Based on the total oral Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) dose of all rescue medication consumed over the full 48 hour study period.
Prescribing information
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1. Daniels, S.E, Playne, R., Stanescu, I., Zhang, J., Gottlieb, I.J, Atkinson, H.C. (2019). Efficacy and safety of an intravenous acetaminophen/ibuprofen fixed-dose combination after bunionectomy: A randomized, double-blind, factorial, placebo controlled trial. Clinical Therapeutics 41 (10): 1952-1965. Research sponsored by AFT Pharmaceuticals.
2. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. September 28, 2017. “FDA Takes Important Steps to Stem the Tide of Opioid Misuse and Abuse | FDA Voice.”. Retrieved https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices-perspectives-fda-leadership-and-experts/fda-takesimportant-steps-stem-tide-opioid-misuse-and-abuse
Reporting adverse events
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting form and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. Adverse events should also be reported to AFT Pharma UK Ltd on 01934 838820.
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